MBTI Study



These questions are completely anonymous and are used for research on the development of each personality type within MBTI and Enneagram tests.

Did you attend Church or belong to a specific religious teaching during your childhood?Yes, I attended a church
Yes, but I did not attend church
My family was more spiritual than religious
No, None
What natural environment did you live in for the MAJORITY of your childhood?I lived in a big city! I knew my way around and could take care of myself
I lived in the city limits of a small town where everyone knew everyone!
I lived in a very rural location - Bugs and Trees were my companions
I lived in a medium sized city or suburb
What income level did you perceive that your family lived at when you were a child?I never heard my parents discuss any financial difficulties, I believe we had plenty of money for what we needed
Money was always tight but we did OK
Everything was a struggle for our family with money
We lived an average income. Not rich, but not floundering either
What birth-order are you among siblings?I am an only child
I have siblings, but they were not in the household or are much older
I am an eldest child
I am a middle child
I am the youngest child
Up to the age of 18 the status of my parents relationship was:My parents were married
My parents were married but I suspect(ed) they were/are miserable
My parents separated but weren't divorced
My parents were divorced
Were both of your parents in your life through age 18?Yes, both of my parents were active in my childhood
One or both of my parents were deceased before I was 18
One or both of my parents abandoned me or our family
I was adopted and felt loved and safe
I was adopted and wondered about my real parents a lot/felt abandoned
Were you witness to or victim of abuse as a child?Yes, Emotional
Yes, Physical
Yes, Sexual
Yes, more than one of these
How much exposure to drugs did you have as a child?I was never aware of drugs in our home
At least one person in my home used drugs that I knew of (not counting myself)
How much did you experiment with illegal drugs as a child?I never experimented with drugs
I experimented with friends (Cigarettes, Marijuana, Drinking) but nothing serious
I used drugs beyond normal 'curiosity' or peer pressure (Cocaine, Heroine, Meth, Etc)
How much supervision did you have as a child/teen?I could go wherever, whenever without repurcussion. My guardians never knew or cared where I was
I had reasonable privileges and restrictions for my age
I was overly restricted and supervised
I had freedoms based on earned trust and honesty
How much responsibility did you have as a child?I had many responsibilities that I was required to fulfill
I had normal tasks and responsibilities normal for a child
I had no responsibilities
I had many responsibilities that I sought out and enjoyed
What is your highest level of education?College Degree or higher
Some College
High School Diploma
Did not graduate
Do you consider yourself a 'lifelong learner'Yes
What kind of student are/were you?High Honor Student
Honor Student
Average Grades
Normall Just Squeaked By
Failed occasionally or re-took classes/grade levels
How big of a role does music play in your life?Music is a part of my soul, I can't live without it
I enjoy music but not really passionate about it
I don't really care for music that much
Do you enjoy reading?I love to read all kinds of books and genres
I read mostly Non-Fiction as a way of learning
I read mostly Fiction and love to escape to new worlds
I read magazines and articles mostly
I try to avoid reading whenever possible
Do you consider yourself artistic? (Writing, music, drawing/painting, etc)Yes
What is your current relationship status?Single and dating
Long Term Relationship
Single and not interested in dating
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual
I don't have sex
Do you have children?Yes
No, but hoping to some day
No, I do not wish to have children
What other questions do you think could be meaningful in this questionnaire?

Thank you for participating


Phsychology 101